The Compilations of Digital Marketing and How to Avoid Them


In the current online marketplace brands use digital marketing to effectively connect with their audience and make it so consumers reach their services or products. As a business owner, you may have added some digital elements to your overall marketing strategy.  In order to make sure your digital marketing campaigns run smoothly, you have to work with a digital marketing agency, but if you haven’t found one yet, here are the mistakes most commonly made. 

Not Setting Clearly Defined Goals

Your digital or social media marketing campaign must have clearly defined goals, or you won’t be able to track your outcomes, no matter how well they are implemented, you just won’t know if there’s been any success.  

How to avoid this mistake:

  •     Ideally your goals should be SMART – Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-bound. Whatever the goal is, setting clear goals helps offer you direction in making sure everything you do is highly successful.
  •     Simply creating content or posting on social media isn’t enough. You need to have a reachable goal. This goal has to be reasonable and understandable, and easy to implement.
  •     If you work with a digital marketing agency, they can help you set these goals with very clear and strategic time frames that help make things easier on you.

Starting without a Documented Strategy

If you begin a campaign without any plans, it can lead to disorganised campaigns, duplicate content and more penalizable actions. 

How to avoid this mistake: 

  •     A digital marketing plan isn’t just about content and the amount of content. It’s about remaining on brand, interacting with your audience regularly and posting with purpose and consistency. 
  •     It’s essential to not just establish your goals but to also map out what you will do to reach these goals, as well as matching your project to these goals, choosing the appropriate platforms and executing these plans effectively.
  •     It’s common to not just focus on more than one digital strategy at any given time.  You need to be able to strategise the various avenues, how they work together and implement them at set times.

Targeting the Wrong Audience

When businesses target too broad of an audience, it means they aren’t providing the right content to an interested audience. Some companies believe they know their audience but end up targeting the wrong people entirely. It becomes a misuse of time and money and is entirely avoidable.  

How to avoid this mistake:

    • Having a clear understanding of your audience is a step to undertake before even starting your campaigns.
    • One of the best ways to gain clarity of your audience is by creating buyer personas this stretches beyond knowing the basic demographics and this includes things like their personal goals, their role in the buying process and where they are on the economic ladder. 
    • Knowing your ideal customer will ensure that your content resonates with their interests, pains and issues, thus attracting the right people all the time. 
    • If all these aspects seem like a lot to know, a digital marketing agency can help you find the right audience.

One Last Thing

Some common marketing mistakes can undermine any digital marketing campaign. Be sure to test your efforts to see what produces results and what needs to be modified to ensure success.

If all of this sounds a little daunting, that’s because it is. Digital marketing is hard to get right, and with that in mind, it’s best to partner with a digital marketing agency to make it an easier part of your life as a business owner. 

This is where you should turn to Blurn. Blurn is a digital marketing agency that can make your marketing dreams come true as a business.

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