Why Guest Post with us?

Thanks for visiting techmeetstech.com! We are one of the successful guest blogging websites with great content and domain authority. We aim to embrace fresh writers who wish to guest post, sponsor post or collaborate with us regularly.

Welcome everyone to Tech Meets Tech Blog. Get yourself buckled up readers, and start thinking, as we are going to heartily accept all your write for us + technology, write for us + business, write for us + social networking, write for us + games, and many more. Are you ready?

Contact us at info@techmeetstech.com

Know about TechMeetsTech.Com

Tech Meets Tech is a budding website hosting blogs and articles related to domains like Technology, Gadgets, Games, Business, CyberSecurity, Mobiles, Digital Marketing, Social Networking, Reviews, and News. You can explore the guest posting requirements below.

Technology is…

A necessity everywhere from education to business. We don’t ask for help from anyone to know directions of a place nowadays, instead, we trust technology more. The world is developing and we have to go along with it for good.   

Our domains for Technology-

Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, Data Analytics,

VR(Virtual Reality), AR(Augmented Reality), & Mixed Reality

Cloud Computing & Development Operations 

Automation & Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

Business Intelligence, 

Smart Home Automation, Security Systems,

Cybersecurity & Ethical Hacking

Plans, Trends, Tips, Tricks, Guides, and so much more!

Write For Us – Gadgets

 Software and Networking

Mobiles, Tablets, & Cameras Reviews, 

Desktop, HDTVs

Gaming, Printers and Monitors

Security, Routers, Servers, and Scanners.

Ebook Readers, Headphones and Speakers

Fitness Tech

Trends, Guides, Strategies, Tips, Tactics, and more!

Write For Us – Marketing

SEO, SEO tools, Digital Marketing, 

Website Designing and development, Website Promotion, & Website Ranking,

Web Technologies (Html, Javascript, etc.)

Google PPC Advertising, Bing Ads, and Social Ads

Mobile Marketing and Retail Marketing.

Online business and Making money online.

Social Media Marketing, Search Engine Marketing,

Online marketing and Affiliate Marketing.

Blogging Tips, Blog marketing, Blogging tools and Link building, and many more.

“Write for us – Technology, guest blogging”

It would be amazing if the writers consist mainly of tech-friendly, but non-techies, including different industries, therefore, making TMT the best platform for Technology + write for us + guest post. So, do not make any more delay and join in our journey of Tech Meets Tech! 

We are accepting works from starters as well. Even if you are clueless about the topic but, have a passion for writing, read the guidelines below, and get ready. So, if you think that you want to try write for us + technology, don’t hesitate to contact us.

 Here are the favourite topics you can “write for us” technology:-

3-Important facts about 5G technology.

DevOps- How it works

Let’s dig more into Tactile Virtual Reality

Explore more

Dig into a vast number of audience and viewers, who are anxiously waiting to reach some of the mesmerising technology content on the go. Technology  + Guest post for our-











Building each day is what we are looking for crucially. Each day, each and every work is important to us.

Who Should Post at Tech Meets Tech?

The one who consists of these below categories can connect with us via write for us “Tech Meets Tech”:-

The ones who want to grow their profile’s popularity.

Besides, the ones who want to confront the technology trends will come ahead.

In addition to this, we cordially let in the ones who have their own tales to tell and think our readers to be the utmost ones.

Remember, in TMT everyone gets the opportunity on their own skills.

To submit, the collaborators/writers have to go through some rules for good.

Articles that we accept

The perfect thought that must have come to your mind just when you visited Write for us + guest post “Technology”. Isn’t it?

Articles that we would prefer and easily be accepted are:-

  •  Keep it short & crisp: A good blog post is typically under 1,000-2,200 words. Try to keep the informative part within the first 7 mins.
  • Be original & error-free: i. Write original i.e., plagiarism-free content that was not published online before. ii. It should be free of grammar and spelling errors.
  • Be timely: Write about topics that are timely and relevant to your audience. And try to meet the deadline of 7-24hrs.
  • Be useful & engaging: i. Write content that is helpful & informative for your readers. ii. Write in an engaging and interesting way. iii. Use relevant header tags(H1, H2, H3..H6) which give the outline of the article.
  • Use images: Include high definition images or infographics to break up the text and add visual interest & information ( ideal size is 1200*800).
  • Use relevant keywords: Use keywords wisely throughout your post to help improve its search engine optimization (SEO); avoid keyword stuffing though!
  • Relevant links: Include one to two relevant external links. You can source one or two valued outbound links like Wikipedia.
  • Promote your post: Once your post is published, be sure to promote it through social media and other channels.
  • Meta-tags: Specify meta data with your content. A good blog post is incomplete without a suitable SEO-title(50-60characters) & meta-description(150-160characters).
  • Reserved rights: Please note that we reserve the right to edit posts for clarity and length.

It is beneficial to follow the rules above before submitting any article. Now you would like to know how to write for us.

How to send the article to us?

Not to mention, send us a specimen write-up for the use of reference.

Kindly insert your email address and contact number.

Attach a photo of yours so that we can use it in the author’s display picture.

Write a tiny bio with the specimen so that we can fill up your author’s profile for the readers’ necessity.

Eager to know what’s going to happen next?

Once, you have sent your work to us, our efficient managerial team will start working on it if they need any editing. And if your work is accepted and perfectly ready to publish, who will look further on the procedures and inform you along with the link.

For becoming our daily contributor, keep sending us original stuff on an alternate basis.

You Can Search Us:

Technology Write for Us

Business Write for us

“Marketing” Write for us

Write for us-Gadgets

“Write for us” Cyber security

Write for us “Social Networks”

Guest Post “Mobiles”

Write for us- Reviews

Write for us ” Games”

Our Guest Posting Sites!

Contact us:-

For any concern, 

Contact us at info@techmeetstech.com

Talk to us on- Facebook , LinkedIn , Twitter and Instagram.

Show your spark, stay with us.

We will revert back usually within 24hours. If not, do not hesitate to give us a reminder.